before and after
Hands, papers, words.

The following is my personal to do list. There are things I want to do before and after I give birth.

Before Giving Birth


It is so important to sleep now because I know there will be sleepless nights up ahead. Taking care of a newborn requires giving all your time, effort, and attention because the baby will not be able to look after itself. A baby is dependent on its mother on everything from eating, sleeping, getting its diaper changed, to being warm and loved. I am taking into consideration that these might be my final days when I can just relax, sleep late and wake up late, and not worry about someone else who needs me to be there for them yet.

Pray & Read Quran

This is the best time to pray and read the book from Allah. Praying may be difficult because making wudu to lift your feet up to the sink seems impossible, bending down over a large stomach may be uncomfortable, and trying to recite an ayah without loosing your breath may make you tired, but it’s worth it. After birth, women have a long and heavy period that can last 4 to 6 weeks! The privilage to perform these types of worship isn’t possible, thus best do them now while you still can.


If I’m going to watch anything, it has to be before birth. I love watching movies and I know I’m not going to have the time to watch anything after giving birth. There’s going to be a lot of learning into recovering after birth, breastfeeding, changing diapers, sleep when the baby sleeps, and slowly develop a routine so I can get back to my household responsibilities. Plus, I am into thriller and action movies which I don’t think are appropriate for children. Even children movies now-a-days are becoming questionable with all the woke content and subliminal messages. I also told myself that I won’t let my baby have any screen time until after two years. I am the parent, meaning I am the role model, meaning my baby will copy and learn from my behavior, thus no watching movies.


Any sleepover will be before I give birth. I don’t want to sleep over at my family’s house or at my husband’s family’s house or anyone’s house after I give birth. When I become a mother, I expect to settle down and stay home to establish my new life. I want to create a routine. I want to provide a comfortable stable life for myself and my child. To feel like I am in control of my own environment during the difficult time of learning. I know how stressed I am going to be and I expect that I am going to be tired, but this is a normal part of growing into parenthood. Simply, I want to rule my own residence.


I need to finish my Crochet before I give birth. Knitting has been a great hobbie for me during this pregnancy, as I spent time preparing useful objects for my baby. I made a hat, tiny shoes, and a toy lion. Baby is coming soon, inshallah. The good news is, having little time adds pressure on me and I seem to work more when I have a challenging due date than when I feel like there’s still more time.

After Giving Birth


Seeing family only happens if they come over, because I don’t leave the house. Once this pregnancy ends, I am going to make up for the lost time and visit the people who I should have seen, like my grandparents, my aunts, and my friends. I call sometimes, but it’s never the same as being there in person.


I want to go on vacation cause I have been stuck at home for sooooooooo long. I want to wake up early for an adventure and hit the road! Its been a long time since the rich life of water fun, warm weather, sandy beaches, luxury rooms with balconies, buffet breakfast and restaurants, walking downtown at night, shopping, and being served on hand and foot! After giving birth, inshallah, I want to go on a family trip and celebrate our blessings.


I stopped driving due to pregnancy. I don’t find it safe because I actually had incidents where I would sleep. Playing loud music or lowering the window to let in air never helped keep me awake. The roads are also unsafe, with so many speed bumps, holes, long traffic jams, and crazy pedestrians who don’t look before crossing the street. The seatbelt hugs me too tight. I am not risking any car accidents either, a higher chance of misscarage, thus my baby’s safety comes first. If I must leave the house, I’d rather let someone else drive me to places.

Boba Bubble Tea

Might be silly to add, but I miss drinking this beverage so much. I read online that Boba is safe for pregnant women, but I havn’t actually had any during my pregnancy due to its high amount of sugar, flavorings, and I know I won’t drink it in moderation. I think this drink has high amounts of caffeine too which isn’t safe for babies. The fizzy type with the jelly topica pearls made of starch is my favorite. I’ll be enjoying this once my baby is out, Inshallah.

The mall

Nope, I couldn’t go to the mall during my pregnancy. I would get tired, dizy, and I leaked a lot of amniotic fluid. I think I only went three or four times throughout my pregnancy just to get essential stuff that I didn’t feel comfortable letting other people get for me. After giving birth, I plan to shop until I drop and really enjoy myself walking around the different shops and cafes that I have missed. I want to hang out with my friends, buy clothes again (not the maternity options only) and being around crowds of people. I like trying on and looking at expensive things that I know I won’t ever need or buy.


If there’s a possibility to safely leave my baby with someone for a few hours, then I’d love to go to the cinema. The experience to me isn’t the same as watching a movie at home. I want to go to the cinema and not worry about the loud speakers that could harm my baby’s hearing. Movies are better on the big screen. I miss the darkness and the anoying talking people who kick the back of your seat. Enjoying the junk food, like eating caramel popcorn, and buying fizzy drinks without worrying that it’s not healthy for babies. There’s rushing to the bathroom afterwards cause you didn’t want to miss anything the whole time. Laughing with your friends about your favorite scenes and criticizing the ones we didn’t like together. Or maybe I just miss the anticipation, excitement, and getting out of the house.


I want to get back into shape. I gained a lot of weight during this pregnancy, due to not being able to leave the house. Leaking amniotic fluid prevented me from being active. Thus after I give birth, inshallah, I am going to play “Ring Fit Adventure” on Nintendo Switch to loose all the calories I don’t want.


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