Young girl sitting in hospital showing strength and resiliency with an IV drip and oxygen nasal cannula in her nose.

We will all experience difficulty. That is why we need resilience. The good news is, resilient skills can be learned. Learn to function under negative life situations to help manage stress and negative feelings.

1) Ask Allah for help.

Allah is the best source for help. The eternal creator and sustainer of the universe, all perfect, singular, immortal, omnipotent, omniscient, and most-merciful.
Guidance is from Allah and we need to ask for it if we want it.

2) Make connections and social support.

Being alone won’t provide you with direction. Other people can give you advice and more information. Having someone who can listen is comforting.
Family and friends who care about you are worth seeking help.

3) Help others.

We can’t help ourselves but maybe we can help others. Negative feelings can be replaced with feeling useful and empowered.
Being able to do things can help boost confidence and gain control of your life.

4) Have a routine.

This provides structure in our lives and consistancy. Knowing what to expect can give a sense of security.

5) Take a break.

Validate your negative feelings. Cry if you need to and find a way to relax. Look after yourself and practice self-care.
Stress should take a time-out when you need a breather. Clear your thoughts and make a plan to improve the situation.
Eat well. Excersize. Sleep comfortably. What ever free time you have, maximize it for your happiness.

6) Change your focus.

If something sucks, it doesn’t mean your whole life has to suck too. Focus on what you can control.
Set resonable goals and move towards them one step at a time. Move forward. Staying stuck in the problem and stress won’t fix anything.
Trust yourself, make a decision, and solve the problem for as long as it might take.
Try to remember that you successfully handled hardships in the past.
If this is your first hardship, look at your accomplishments. They help build your strength to handle hardships too.

7) Accept change.

Nothing is forever in this life. What is up must come down and vice versa.
Know that Allah has a plan for everyone and everything.
Remember your purpose. This is all a test and we need to be patient during difficulty, which gives us good deeds, and ultimatly rewards us with paradise.


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